Eg gir meg
men det betyr ikkje at EG gir meg, eg kom nett att eg etter ei lang pause med kameraabstinens. . . .Det var Olympus
Bildet inngår i albumet Samtaler med Sindbad og nabokatten -
  • Olympus E500
  • Olympus Olympus Zuiko Digital 14-45mm
  • Brennvidde92mm
  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/124s
  • ja
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriDyr
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger349
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Kritikker (5)
Judit W.

I congratulate you on having new camera - and happy birthday!

Judit :)
Per Ove H.

Snakk om å fylle biletflata! Veldig fine fargenyansar her.

Odd Karsten H.

Is E500 harmful for your back?

Takk/Thanks Per Ove, og/and Judit for kommentarer/comments til/on mitt/my bilde/photo.

That's how declarations are written on the back of the E-stuffed things in my fridge – They try to make it multilingual, and since my new camera is E-marked too (E500) did I borrow their idea. I don't know if 500 is an harmful E-number. . . . but it could be harmful for my back – used as I am to carry only a small pocket camera.

I was a bit disappointed the first hours with the Olympus – and I am still disappointed over the lack of macro, . . . . but that was a calculated loss to say. . . . . sigh . . A bigger shock was it to see how unsharp the photos seemed when magnified on the monitor at the back of the camera – and I had to take a look at my old coolpix-photos to compare. . . My new Olympus passed the test. It was me who had too high expectations but new lenses are high up on my wish list (did you hear that Santa?). . . . . but how could they make it without manual focusing?
Grethe B.

Hei og long time no seen!

Håper du har ei god påska!Ser du driver i ''kattefotobransjen'' ennå:-)
Digger de uvørne uklare sære kattemotivene dine jeg.
Har ikke vært innom på en stund. Artig å se deg igjen. Skjønte ikke helt din siste egenkommentar, men håper du får deg nytt kamera. Holder meg til
canon jeg, bytter ikke før de kommer med en litenutgave med 13 megapixler eller mer. Lykke til med alt. Meg ser du på mest nå.

Stå på!!

Judit W.

Hi again!

My first comment wasn't a real one – and I have got a hint about the meaning of the title as well ;)

Is your question poetical? If it is not then my answer is – yes, E-500/E-300 is harmful for backs, especially with two lenses and with many useful things in the backpack. But all these together are sweet ballast ...

I was and still am disappointed with my Olympus – but I think the problem is in me; I don't have enough time to study/learn more about its using. I had a very interesting discussion with a professional photographer some days ago, who uses same camera. He told me that he knows his camera a bit better now, after one-year studying! And he lives with his camera together in every moment :) Transferring this time into my life, it would be at least 10 years :(

And now some words about your photo. When I look at this cat, I always need to smile. I prefer the thumbnail here – it looks much better in this case. I don't know the cause of it; perhaps the unusual position makes your (?) cat so funny. The picture is absolutely sharp and the colours are very nice too. This little cute cat looks a very good model ;)

Judit :)
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