Dennis vinner igjen - Vi gratulerer !

Dennis kommer fra USA, i dag har han sitt studio i Larvik hvor han bruker Mamiya RZ67 ProII. Brudepar i kirken tar han med Mamiya 645AF.

Dennis forteller .......
Hello to All,
Got lucky again. The enclosed photograph won first place in candid wedding catagory with Wedding and Portrait Photographers International. There are about 3000 members across the world and they have two compititions a year. This photograph was taken with my 645AF. In my style of photography where I am with a couple in church as well as other places many of photographs taken are of a candid nature. Capturing the moment, so to speak, seems to be very popular with my clientel. Being able to point and shoot allows me possibilities of getting shots like this. The camera works great and in reality I never would have gotten this shot in focus as I did without the auto focus. Thanks for a great product.

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Åpne uskalert versjon i eget vindu